Apr 8, 2009

Dr. Phil....here we come!

I am not a very good mother.
Although I DO try....I really do. Seriously.

But the fact remains.....I will never win 'mother of the year'. Not even close.

In fact, I am sure that someday you will all watch my children appear on an episode of Dr. Phil....disclosing truths about me like how when they were babies, I'd give them a lemon to suck on.....just because it was funny to watch. Or maybe how I accidentally left one of them in a playland because I forgot that I had checked him in there......or how I one time popped my son in the mouth at tj maxx, causing a SEVERE nose bleed and then pretended( on my way out the door) the he had fallen down and bumped it so that nobody would call CPS on me. There was that time when I locked 2 of them in the running car (heat blasting) with a bag of popcorn (choking hazard...I know!) and had to call the fire department to get them out.

The list is long my friends......

.....and this past weekend was no exception. 

I allowed (or maybe encouraged) my boys (ages 10 and 5) to sign up to go pondskimming at schweitzer.  The videos above say it all. Keep in mind that this 'pond' has actual snow floating in it because it is so cold that it wont even melt....
Keep in mind also, that when you fall.... your skis/snowboard will likely still be attached to your feet which is (of course) not good for swimming.....

especially when you are 5......

and especially if you don't ski that well and still have to wear an 'edgie-wedgie' on the tips of your skis......
and especially if your mom (who can be seen at the edge of the pond in Kellen's video) does not jump in to help you out of the water because she doesn't want to ruin her Ugg boots.

I'm pretty sure people in the crowd were wondering what idiot parent would let their small child participate in an event like this. I'm pretty sure about this because I have wondered the same thing about myself after watching the videos.

Both boys, I am happy to report, survived this event with no permanent damage done. No head injury, no drowning, no frostbite or hypothermia......

See you in a few years Dr. Phil!!!!